Library news30.05.2024
Section Getting to Know Russia
Prehistoric men sites were discovered in Arkhangelsk region in different times. For instance, one of them was found in Solovki (The Solovetsky Islands) and is dated to the middle of the 6th millennium BCE. It is about 1200 years earlier than the oldest settlement discovered before on the islands of the White Sea. In the dig of that short-term prehistoric men site, there were about 250 artifacts – stone implements, scrapers, drawing-knives, strike weapons and chippers for breaking down quartz, as well as workpieces of various items and processing waste. According to the radiocarbon analysis of a coal sample from the cultural layer, the site is approximately 7600 years. Another site was discovered near the village Kositsyna. The excavations were led by an archeologist Alexander Martynov in July 2019. Dated to the 9th millennium BCE, it is the oldest site in Kenozero area. Its fire-pit consists of two parts dated to different times, the upper one about 400 years earlier. The researchers managed to find more than 8000 items from different millenniums BCE. The experts from the isotope research laboratory of Herzen University stated that prehistorical people stayed at Kositsyno-2 site at least 6 times. First people appeared there in the beginning of the 9th millennium BCE. The main Early Neolithic items collection is dated to the middle of the 8th millennium BCE. During the Neolithic era people lived at the site twice: in the 5th and the 4th millenniums BCE. Later, the signs of prehistoric men appear at the turn of the Bronze and the Iron Ages in the 1st millennium BCE and in the end of the Iron Age. Among the findings from this site, there was a miniature figure of a man or a bear made of low quality flint. It is a rare thing, because it was harder for a prehistoric man to carve it. Join us in: Новости 1 - 20 из 107 Начало | Пред. | 1 2 3 4 5 | След. | Конец |