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This year marks the 165th birth anniversary of a Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov!
Section PRO BOOKS to introduce you into the world of classic Russian literature.

January 29th is the birthday of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) – one of the greatest Russian writers, a talented playwright, an academician, a doctor, a man with a sharp mind and a brilliant sense of humor.

His literary heritage includes more than 500 works (humorous sketches, feuilletons, stories and short stories, plays); many of them were translated into more than 100 languages. His works became classic of the world’s literature, and his plays, especially “The Seagull”, “Three Sisters” and “The Cherry Orchard” are being staged in theatres all around the world.

Chekhov used to write under about 50 different pseudonyms. The most well-known are: Antosha Chekhonte, Schiller Shakespeareovich Goethe, Champagnesky, My Brother’s Brother, Man Without Spleen, etc. His real name Anton Pavlovich was used for the first time in the newspaper Novoye Vremya (New Times) at the insistence of the editor.

The writer had been doing charity work his entire adult life. He helped raising money to build rural schools and sanatoriums for with low income. He also volunteered as a doctor.

Anton Pavlovich was very fond of dogs. He had two dachshunds named after medications - Khina and Brom, and he loved them tenderly. His hobbies also included collecting stamps, and he had quite an extensive collection.

Chekhov travelled a lot around Russia and abroad. His longest journey was a trip to a distant island Sakhalin. As part of that tour, he also visited Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong and many other countries. During his trip to Europe, Anton Pavlovich got on top of Mount Vesuvius in search of inspiration. And from his trip to Ceylon Island (now it is known by the name Java) the writer brought two mongooses. They lived with him as pets until his death.

An asteroid in the main asteroid belt and a crater on Mercury are named in honor of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Today we offer you to get to know some of the works of this great writer in English translation:

Chekhov, A. P. The Lady with the Little Dog and Other Stories / Chekhov, A. P. - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2014. - 256 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages). – URL :

Chekhov, A. P. Three Sisters / Chekhov, A. P. - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2017. - 128 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages). – URL :

Chekhov, A. P. The Darling / Chekhov, A. P. - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2016. - 288 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages). – URL :

Chekhov, A. P. The Cherry Orchard / A. P. Chekhov - [translated from Russian by J. Vest] - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2019. - 288 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages). – URL :

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