of the Northern State
Medical University
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In 2024, we celebrate 440 years since the founding day of Arkhangelsk.

The celebration’s program from June 21 to June 30 2024 includes more than 900 different events.

The main ones are three big festivals: XXX Street Theatre Festival (June 26-30) gastronomic festival “Еда поморская и заморская” - “Pomor food and food from overseas” (June 29-30) and a huge multicultural festival “White June” (June 21-30) that unites books, theatre, cinema, music, contemporary art and creative industries.

The closing events are set for city's Anniversary Day.

The program includes a variety of concerts and performances. In PetrovskiyPark, there will be an open air for the graduates with music and street food, and from the dawn until midnight, everyone will be able to take a ride ona river tram along Northern Dvina.

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