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Pro fairy talesLet us begin our acquaintance with fairy tale on Chumbarov-Luchinsky Avenue, or Chumbarovka, as the citizens call it. It is a «preserved street», where one can find the objects of the northern architecture and the sculptures of the famous writers and their characters. The first sculpture of a short old man who extends his hand for a handshake while holding a bag with fish in his other hand, a cat rubbing against his leg, is dedicated to the most famous Pomor storyteller, artist, writer and ethnographer Stepan Pisakhov (the author of the sculpture is Sergey Syukhin) From the pen of the author has publishedthree collections of fairy tales. The most well-known are “If You Don’t Like It – Don’t Listen” (“Не любо – не слушай”), “About an Orange” (“Про апельсин”), “Frozen Songs” (“Морожены песни”). The main character of these tales is Senya Malina, a joker and a master of word; he would not let anyone who opens the book get bored. The famous tales are based on his stories. In the foreword, Pisakhov says that he met Senya Malina in 1928. Malina lived in Uima village, 18 kilometers far from Arkhangelsk. Therefore, “paying tribute to the memory of unknown northern fantasist storytellers – my fellow countrymen, I tell my tales on behalf of Malina”. Nowadays the monument of Senya Malina is erected on Chumbarov-Luchinsky Avenue. Wearing an ushanka (a hat with earflaps), a sheepskin coat and hand sewn valenki (felt boots), he is riding a fish called nalim (burbot), just like in the fairy tale “Nalim Malinych”.
Pisakhov’s stories are also adapted on screen. An animated movie “Mountain of Gems – Nalim Malinych” based on his tale is available to watch with English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zef_ntsYhqE Most of the cartoons from a full-length animated feature “Laughter and Grief by the White Sea” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwi4WeX8EBU and “Wind in Reserve” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRBGyHPcQ18 are based on fairy tales written by Stepan Pisakhov and Boris Shergin. Not far from the storyteller’s sculpture, there is Stepan Pisakhov’s museum, where one can find his artworks, personal belongings, characters of his fairy tales, photographs and letters.
Another monument on Chumbarovka is dedicated to an Arkhangelsk writer, folklorist and artist Boris Viktorovich Shergin. The monument has been erected for the writer’s 120th birthday. It is designed by an artist Sergey Syukhin. The sculpture portrays the storyteller telling a tale, the cold sea is splashing by his feet, pomor ships are sailing, wooden houses and churches can be seen on the bank and Archangel Michael and Nicholas the Wondermaker are guarding the northern land.
A cartoon “Magic Ring”, beloved by many viewers is based on one of Shergin’s tales. It is a story of a young peasant Vanya who, thanks to his kindness, wins over the stupid and prudent tsar and his family https://noginsk-service.ru/page.php?478 You can read Stepan Pisakhov’s fairy tales here: https://webirbis.aonb.ru/irbisdoc/kr/2018/18kp058/ You can learn more about Stepan Pisakhov is this book, translated into English: Барашков, Ю. А. Вы сказали: "Архангельск"? / Ю. А. Барашков - Архангельск : ИД САФУ, 2014. - 513 с. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Консультант студента" : [сайт]. - URL: https://www.studentlibrary.ru/ru/doc/ISBN9785261009047-SCN0053.html |